Industrialised high-rise buildings
Our construction systems for high-rise residential buildings are:
- Panellised construction systems with 2D/3D surface elements.
- Constraint-based construction systems with linear and surface elements.
- 3D systems with three-dimensional elements.
- Mixed systems. Concrete-wood-steel or other.
Each system is suitable for a particular type of project and/or combined within the same project, a complete building or as a product with other materials, using the combined construction systems mentioned below, all of which can be combined with one another to meet the project's needs.
Panellised building systems with 2D/3D surface elements
In high-rise buildings which may call for a load-bearing panel structure (façade and transverse partitions), the structural approach for capacity and stability is resolved by arranging the panels in perpendicular directions, combining load-bearing and bracing panels
Floor slabs are mainly made of hollow core slabs or pre-slabs plus a compression layer, directly supported on the top of the interior/exterior load-bearing panels and interconnected in directions perpendicular to one another to provide the necessary rigidity, without any protrusion below the lower level of the floor slab and load-bearing panels (flat roof).
The structural load-bearing walls/panels (interior load-bearing transversal partition walls for homes/rooms, replacing transversal partition walls) can be arranged with separations/spans between 8 and 12.5 m and the interior distribution of the home can be done with light plasterboard partitions or similar. This system provides great open-plan possibilities that can support any architectural layout. This option provides the architecture with the versatility to allow for possible changes of use or room redistribution. This exemplifies the flexibility of the system, which allows the project to have several different layouts.

Constraint-based construction systems with linear and surface elements
These consist of a concrete structure based on columns, flat or semi-flat beams and hollow core slabs or pre-slabs plus a compression layer, providing the structure rigidity. In this case the beams will have a minimum protrusion of 10 to 20 cm or a flat beam solution can be provided in some areas.
In general, a lightweight building façade (architectural panels) is attached to the load-bearing structure of the building.
The industrialised structure can be realised with rigid joints, articulated joints or a mixture of both.
It is a system that may require beams under floor slabs to protrude, the need for false ceilings or taller open ceilings, and may influence the building’s total height and buildable area.

3D systems with three-dimensional elements
These are very sturdy 3D assemblies, where the construction system is made up of stackable boxes joined together in the 3 x-y-z directions. They are widely used for the formation of stairwells and lift shafts, as well as in housing developments of moderate height above ground level (4-5 floors).
In general, they require very high part repetition, due to mould and transport costs, as well as very strict rigidity and modulation.

Complete and flexible industrialised building system
At Molins Precast Solutions we opt for a mix of 2D/3D construction systems to provide flexibility, efficiency, quality, sustainability and economy to the whole, all of which are made viable and industrialisable by our technical and production team.
Below ground level. Basement and parking
This is a trussed system of pillars and beams used to provide unobstructed parking spaces, vehicle traffic lanes and storage rooms.
Floors above ground level
Structural system consisting of load-bearing panels joined in 2D/3D to each other and to the floor slabs. It forms a rigid box to resist the horizontal forces on the building. The partitioning of dwellings makes it possible to install load-bearing panels in partition walls. It is a system with a structural and architectural façade, large unobstructed spaces and no under-slab protrusion.