Precast solutions

Our construction solutions

Construction work

We drive industrialised building to foster the social development in a wide range of sectors, including factories, shopping centres, warehouses, sports facilities, car parks and leisure centres. We strike the perfect balance between quality, efficiency and technology to overcome any construction challenge with our precast concrete solutions.

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Civil work

We build structures such as bridges and tunnels to improve roads that connect people and businesses, thereby facilitating mobility and the development of regions. We simplify the execution of our work by industrialising and optimising production processes.

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Railway sector

We have been pioneering the industrialisation of construction since 1952, creating products for railways, subways and trams, helping to build efficient networks and connect places and people. Through the implementation of innovative solutions and our focus on solving challenges, we design the necessary components for sustainable transport.

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We create homes for people: our industrialised solutions help build a more prosperous and stable society. Our precast concrete products form part of residential building developments for homes, hotels, residences and co-living communities throughout Spain.

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Contact Precast solutions

General / Request for information or projects

+34 91 343 03 48

Espronceda 38, Local 3 28003 Madrid