SATE Prescribers

Take advantage of all the facilities that Molins Aisterm offers you.

SATE for professionals

Designed for architects, we have a Technical Office with an experienced technical team fully trained and available to help in the solution of the specific needs of each project. Also, we provide tools such as the transmittance calculator that will help to estimate the thickness of insulation in the different energy interventions.

sate systems


The new family of exterior thermal insulation systems (SATE) developed from our firm commitment to sustainability. It is composed of new systems that provide solutions adapted to the circular economy.

BM Comfort

Enjoy the comfort of the best insulation

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BM Ceramic Finish

Ceramic tiles are also suitable for façades with external insulation.

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Cal Nature BM

The most natural and sustainable finish for the SATE facade

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sate systems


We provide solutions to your comfort needs, offering an advisory service prior to project development and on-site assistance to ensure optimum results.


Enjoy the comfort of the best insulation

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Comfort +

Maximum comfort with a lower final thickness on your façade

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Insulate your building thermally and from outside noise.

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Your façade insulated but also protected in a damp environment

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Mineral insulation

Robustness, compactness and optimal insulation

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Ceramic finish

Ceramic tiling as a final finish

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Lime Nature

The most natural and sustainable finish for the SATE facade

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Your façade protected from knocks, impacts and damp.

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Technical documentation SATE

We accompany you from start to finish...

Advantages of MOLINS's SATE system

Our service of collaboration in your works starts from the conception of the project, at the start of the work, during its execution and in the final delivery.

Variety of systems according to needs

Technical assistance and site monitoring

Wide range of colours, textures and finishes

Warranty and durability

IDAE aid management

En Molins contamos con un área técnica en el que ponemos a disposición de nuestros clientes toda una serie de herramientas para facilitar su trabajo y su día a día. Con el objetivo de estar siempre cerca de ellos, nuestro área técnica dispone de todo lo que necesitan en el momento en que lo necesitan.

Molins tiene la vocación de facilitar el trabajo de sus clientes. En el día a día de un proyecto constructivo surgen numerosas necesidades técnicas y Molins quiere cubrirlas, para lo que pone a disposición de empresas y aplicadores su área técnica, donde reúne una serie de herramientas para el cálculo que facilitan el trabajo.