SATE Individuals

We provide solutions to your comfort needs

Greater comfort and cost savings

MOLINS's thermal insulation solution for façades is also aimed at private individuals, as this way families achieve greater thermal comfort in their homes in both winter and summer and significant financial savings on their electricity bills.

Success stories
sate systems


The new family of exterior thermal insulation systems (SATE) developed from our firm commitment to sustainability. It is composed of new systems that provide solutions adapted to the circular economy.

BM Comfort

Enjoy the comfort of the best insulation

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BM Ceramic Finish

Ceramic tiles are also suitable for façades with external insulation.

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Lime Nature BM

The most natural and sustainable finish for the SATE facade

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sate systems


We provide solutions to your comfort needs, offering an advisory service prior to project development and on-site assistance to ensure optimum results.


Enjoy the comfort of the best insulation

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Comfort +

Maximum comfort with a lower final thickness on your façade

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Insulate your building thermally and from outside noise.

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Your façade insulated but also protected in a damp environment

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Mineral insulation

Robustness, compactness and optimal insulation

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Ceramic finish

Ceramic tiling as a final finish

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Lime Nature

The most natural and sustainable finish for the SATE facade

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Your façade protected from knocks, impacts and damp.

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Advice on technical management

Advantages of MOLINS's SATE system

A thermal insulation system on the outside is the best solution for a comfortable home in any season of the year.

Economic and energy savings

Revalue your home

Less dampness in the house (prevents dampness)

Improved comfort (more comfort and quality of life)

No decrease in usable area

Benefit to the environment

IDAE aid management

El aislamiento térmico envuelve las fachadas de los edificios de forma que los protege de las inclemencias meteorológicas como el frío, la lluvia, el hielo, la humedad o el calor. De este modo, mantiene los hogares cálidos en invierno y frescos en verano al aislar los muros, evitando derroches de energía innecesario.

En Molins contamos con una red de empresas de rehabilitación y constructoras para su asesoramiento y ejecución del proyecto de obra. Además, colaboramos con especialistas que les ayudarán para la gestión de ayudas.