PROPAM® CARBOPAINT FLEX is an elastic coating for protecting concretes and mortars against carbonation, developed on the basis of acrylic copolymers in aqueous dispersion, with a single component, impermeable with a decorative finish that is resistant to atmospheric agents. It complies with the requirements of standard EN 1504-2.



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Fields of application

Protection of reinforced concrete and mortar surfaces against carbonation.
Preventive protector in new concrete projects located in aggressive environments.
Protective and decorative coating for refurbishment works using repair mortars: Columns, beams, joists, wrought iron edges and slabs.
Coating reinforced and pre-fabricated concrete structures subject to movements and deformations that may cause micro-fissures.
High quality decorative finish for façades.


It avoids concrete carbonation, thanks to its high carbon dioxide diffusion strength
Permeable to water vapour, allowing the substrate to transpire.
Its great elasticity allows it to bridge micro-fissures, and also withstand thermal expansions of the substrate.
Very good adhesion strength to traditional construction substrates.
Resistant to UV rays. Great colour stability and durability.
Impermeable to rainwater and gritting salts.
Excellent weather and ageing resistance.
Coloured, decorative finish. It improves the aesthetic appearance of the protected surface.
Easy to apply and with zero toxicity, solvent-free.


The recommended consumption is 300-400 g/m2 according to the porosity of the substrate.
However, the amount used in the end will depend largely on the required finish, the site conditioning factors and the expected use.

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