Kartesia, integrated into a large European holding company, acquires the shares of the prefabricated company from Puebla< /strong>
In recent days, the polygon has been put on the map of the future that is claimed for the territory beyond June 2020 when the Central no longer operates. In the session of the special commission of the Cortes on January 30, renewables and clays were raised as opportunities for the future and the launch of a large industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar to manufacture wind turbines and wind farm plates and photovoltaics. It was proposed by the dean of the College of Mining Engineers of Aragon, Emilio Querol from Alcañiza. «It has an ideal location and is a completely flat and dry area. Therefore, great possibilities for expansion,” he said. In addition to having a railway loading dock – which should be given a boost and put into operation – the industrial zone is equipped”with a gas pipeline, power lines and water.”
In recent days, the polygon has been put on the map of the future that is claimed for the territory beyond June 2020 when the Central no longer operates. In the session of the special commission of the Cortes on January 30, renewables and clays were raised as opportunities for the future and the launch of a large industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar to manufacture wind turbines and wind farm plates and photovoltaics. It was proposed by the dean of the College of Mining Engineers of Aragon, Emilio Querol from Alcañiza. «It has an ideal location and is a completely flat and dry area. Therefore, great possibilities for expansion,” he said. In addition to having a railway loading dock – which should be given a boost and put into operation – the industrial zone is equipped”with a gas pipeline, power lines and water.”
< !-- /wp:heading -->In a very turbulent time in the territory with the Andorra Thermal Power Plant about to close, the demands for the territory to have a dignified future are accentuated and remembered. A horizon with new companies and those that already work strengthened. Achieving this involves services and communications. Molins Molins operates from the La Venta del Barro industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar, avoiding all obstacles. They belong to Platform A-68 Ya! since it was founded and where they have participated and claimed a highway that is”necessary” and whose proposal to carry a branch through Gandesa”is very interesting.”
To the physical obstacles are added the digital ones, a lack that Montserrat calls”outrageous” from his position as business director and also as a member of the plenary session of the Chamber of Teruel. For a company with 600 employees and projects in several countries to work, the high-speed Internet network comes out of its account.”We bought it ourselves because with the 3 megabytes they offer we can’t go anywhere if it’s already slow for domestic use.” The loading dock is one of the historical demands of the area and, especially of the businessmen of the industrial estate. There is no progress on the part of DGA since the road would have to cross the highway that is planned and causes the project to be abandoned by the Government. Molins Molins has a private branch at the La Puebla station itself. It is about 400 meters long but has not been used for years since Renfe Mercancías practically does not offer competitive services in terms of deadlines or prices.
In recent days, the polygon has been put on the map of the future that is claimed for the territory beyond June 2020 when the Central no longer operates. In the session of the special commission of the Cortes on January 30, renewables and clays were raised as opportunities for the future and the launch of a large industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar to manufacture wind turbines and wind farm plates and photovoltaics. It was proposed by the dean of the College of Mining Engineers of Aragon, Emilio Querol from Alcañiza. «It has an ideal location and is a completely flat and dry area. Therefore, great possibilities for expansion,” he said. In addition to having a railway loading dock – which should be given a boost and put into operation – the industrial zone is equipped”with a gas pipeline, power lines and water.”
Molins Molins starts 2019 with the objective of consolidating the evolution of recent years that has led to almost 600 people on staff today. Stabilizing these figures will be possible with a consolidation of the company’s positioning. Since 2017, it has been the national leader in prefabricated buildings, a milestone that they repeated in 2018 with a greater advantage, and from now on, the Puebla plant opens its sights to Europe.
This internal change is conceived as the beginning of the third stage in the management of Molins Molins, a company which began as a family until 2008 when it became part of the Magnum Venture Capital Fund, a manager with several so-called ‘private equity’ funds. Five years later, the Norgestion group took over, which took charge of the administration for the last six years until last week when it transferred all its shares to Kartesia. In addition to being the largest group to which the company has belonged in its history, the main difference is that there is no longer a financing group because everything comes together in the same shareholder. This prevents the company from having to refinance itself every two years as it has done until now.
n«Kartesia is much more than a simple investment group, we can look up and see that we belong to a European giant, a multinational present in all sectors, something that should bring us some new opportunity”, assesses the director of Molins Molins, Mikel Montserrat. With this change in management, the openness of vision is expanded to the entire European continent, something that in addition to the opportunities, adds “an important financial muscle” that provides security if the economy changes and at a given moment the wind does not blow at all. please.
It was in 2010 when the company reached a level of 600 employees, however, that lasted just three months. Complex times came for the company until in 2012 it began gradual growth, moving between 200 and 300 employees, currently tripling its workforce. In the last five years, in addition to consolidating its positioning in France, the company began to work for the main European groups with a presence in Spain.”There has been a lot of progress in the production processes because we are doing a type of project with a sophistication that five or six years ago was not done or was very rare,” says Montserrat, who estimates the number of current employees at between 570 and 580.”It is difficult for us to grow much more in number due to a matter of space, perhaps 20 or 30 more at a given time but the challenge is to consolidate,” he adds. He estimates that in the last year the workforce has increased by about a hundred people. At the technical staff level, -among architects and engineers- there are more than 30 people working in relevant value-added jobs.
«Having the workforce together with our own very powerful engineering and architecture team is what allows us to be positioned in the highest segment of the market and to be ahead of other competitors in our market,” he adds. This binomial in the plant translates into maintaining sophistication and improving it.”Providing an increasingly evolved service to an increasingly demanding client allows us to maintain employment, otherwise we would have entered a period of decline,” he comments.
Regarding Andalusia, Molins Andújar opened in April 2017 with 75 employees, a figure that reaches one hundred in current events in one of the areas with the highest unemployment rate in the country. It was implemented in Jaén with the aim of having a presence in a connection area with the center and south of Spain that would allow access to more projects.
< !-- /wp:heading -->In a very turbulent time in the territory with the Andorra Thermal Power Plant about to close, the demands for the territory to have a dignified future are accentuated and remembered. A horizon with new companies and those that already work strengthened. Achieving this involves services and communications. Molins Molins operates from the La Venta del Barro industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar, avoiding all obstacles. They belong to Platform A-68 Ya! since it was founded and where they have participated and claimed a highway that is”necessary” and whose proposal to carry a branch through Gandesa”is very interesting.”
To the physical obstacles are added the digital ones, a lack that Montserrat calls”outrageous” from his position as business director and also as a member of the plenary session of the Chamber of Teruel. For a company with 600 employees and projects in several countries to work, the high-speed Internet network comes out of its account.”We bought it ourselves because with the 3 megabytes they offer we can’t go anywhere if it’s already slow for domestic use.” The loading dock is one of the historical demands of the area and, especially of the businessmen of the industrial estate. There is no progress on the part of DGA since the road would have to cross the highway that is planned and causes the project to be abandoned by the Government. Molins Molins has a private branch at the La Puebla station itself. It is about 400 meters long but has not been used for years since Renfe Mercancías practically does not offer competitive services in terms of deadlines or prices.
In recent days, the polygon has been put on the map of the future that is claimed for the territory beyond June 2020 when the Central no longer operates. In the session of the special commission of the Cortes on January 30, renewables and clays were raised as opportunities for the future and the launch of a large industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar to manufacture wind turbines and wind farm plates and photovoltaics. It was proposed by the dean of the College of Mining Engineers of Aragon, Emilio Querol from Alcañiza. «It has an ideal location and is a completely flat and dry area. Therefore, great possibilities for expansion,” he said. In addition to having a railway loading dock – which should be given a boost and put into operation – the industrial zone is equipped”with a gas pipeline, power lines and water.”
Molins Molins starts 2019 with the objective of consolidating the evolution of recent years that has led to almost 600 people on staff today. Stabilizing these figures will be possible with a consolidation of the company’s positioning. Since 2017, it has been the national leader in prefabricated buildings, a milestone that they repeated in 2018 with a greater advantage, and from now on, the Puebla plant opens its sights to Europe.
The year and this challenge begins with an important change in its management by joining Kartesia Securities, an investment firm owned by one of the largest business holdings in Europe, the Belgian group Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL). They have interests and participations in large companies such as Adidas, the cement company LafargeHolcim, Petit Palace Hotels or AtenOil, among many others in various countries. Kartesia is not unknown to the people of Puebla since since 2015 it has been one of the main financiers of the Bajo Aragonese company and with them achievements such as the opening of Molins Andújar in Jaén have been made possible.
This internal change is conceived as the beginning of the third stage in the management of Molins Molins, a company which began as a family until 2008 when it became part of the Magnum Venture Capital Fund, a manager with several so-called ‘private equity’ funds. Five years later, the Norgestion group took over, which took charge of the administration for the last six years until last week when it transferred all its shares to Kartesia. In addition to being the largest group to which the company has belonged in its history, the main difference is that there is no longer a financing group because everything comes together in the same shareholder. This prevents the company from having to refinance itself every two years as it has done until now.
n«Kartesia is much more than a simple investment group, we can look up and see that we belong to a European giant, a multinational present in all sectors, something that should bring us some new opportunity”, assesses the director of Molins Molins, Mikel Montserrat. With this change in management, the openness of vision is expanded to the entire European continent, something that in addition to the opportunities, adds “an important financial muscle” that provides security if the economy changes and at a given moment the wind does not blow at all. please.
It was in 2010 when the company reached a level of 600 employees, however, that lasted just three months. Complex times came for the company until in 2012 it began gradual growth, moving between 200 and 300 employees, currently tripling its workforce. In the last five years, in addition to consolidating its positioning in France, the company began to work for the main European groups with a presence in Spain.”There has been a lot of progress in the production processes because we are doing a type of project with a sophistication that five or six years ago was not done or was very rare,” says Montserrat, who estimates the number of current employees at between 570 and 580.”It is difficult for us to grow much more in number due to a matter of space, perhaps 20 or 30 more at a given time but the challenge is to consolidate,” he adds. He estimates that in the last year the workforce has increased by about a hundred people. At the technical staff level, -among architects and engineers- there are more than 30 people working in relevant value-added jobs.
«Having the workforce together with our own very powerful engineering and architecture team is what allows us to be positioned in the highest segment of the market and to be ahead of other competitors in our market,” he adds. This binomial in the plant translates into maintaining sophistication and improving it.”Providing an increasingly evolved service to an increasingly demanding client allows us to maintain employment, otherwise we would have entered a period of decline,” he comments.
Regarding Andalusia, Molins Andújar opened in April 2017 with 75 employees, a figure that reaches one hundred in current events in one of the areas with the highest unemployment rate in the country. It was implemented in Jaén with the aim of having a presence in a connection area with the center and south of Spain that would allow access to more projects.
< !-- /wp:heading -->In a very turbulent time in the territory with the Andorra Thermal Power Plant about to close, the demands for the territory to have a dignified future are accentuated and remembered. A horizon with new companies and those that already work strengthened. Achieving this involves services and communications. Molins Molins operates from the La Venta del Barro industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar, avoiding all obstacles. They belong to Platform A-68 Ya! since it was founded and where they have participated and claimed a highway that is”necessary” and whose proposal to carry a branch through Gandesa”is very interesting.”
To the physical obstacles are added the digital ones, a lack that Montserrat calls”outrageous” from his position as business director and also as a member of the plenary session of the Chamber of Teruel. For a company with 600 employees and projects in several countries to work, the high-speed Internet network comes out of its account.”We bought it ourselves because with the 3 megabytes they offer we can’t go anywhere if it’s already slow for domestic use.” The loading dock is one of the historical demands of the area and, especially of the businessmen of the industrial estate. There is no progress on the part of DGA since the road would have to cross the highway that is planned and causes the project to be abandoned by the Government. Molins Molins has a private branch at the La Puebla station itself. It is about 400 meters long but has not been used for years since Renfe Mercancías practically does not offer competitive services in terms of deadlines or prices.
In recent days, the polygon has been put on the map of the future that is claimed for the territory beyond June 2020 when the Central no longer operates. In the session of the special commission of the Cortes on January 30, renewables and clays were raised as opportunities for the future and the launch of a large industrial estate in La Puebla de Híjar to manufacture wind turbines and wind farm plates and photovoltaics. It was proposed by the dean of the College of Mining Engineers of Aragon, Emilio Querol from Alcañiza. «It has an ideal location and is a completely flat and dry area. Therefore, great possibilities for expansion,” he said. In addition to having a railway loading dock – which should be given a boost and put into operation – the industrial zone is equipped”with a gas pipeline, power lines and water.”