PROXTREM is the pumpable concrete specially designed to withstand the coldest conditions. It is a product with a specific formulation with a very low water/cement ratio and an occluded air content in the fresh state of ≥4.5%, making PROXTREM concrete highly resistant to freeze-thaw cycles, being suitable for extreme sub-zero temperatures. This concrete incorporates structural fibres in accordance with annex 7 of the CodE “Recommendations for the use of concrete with fibres”, which avoid the use of conventional reinforcement. The replacement of steel reinforcement is highly advisable in this type of application as it can suffer the effects of corrosion and alterations in its structure due to the continuous changes in temperature to which it will be subjected during its useful life.


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Field of application

  • Flooring for freezing/freezing chambers.
  • Floors subjected to very low temperatures: laboratories, agri-food industry and also freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Industrial flooring.


  • RESISTANT: this product is designed to withstand sub-zero temperatures.
  • EFFICIENT: As it is a highly pumpable product, it is quick to apply on site and does not generate waste.
  • NO REINFORCEMENT: The use of structural fibres avoids the use of metal reinforcement, saving time and costs, up to 150m2 without joints.
  • NO CRACKS: It replaces conventional reinforcement and, therefore, withstands concrete shrinkage and avoids the need for joints in the paving.
  • QUALITY: The liquid consistency is suitable for correct installation, thus avoiding the addition of water on site.

Application System

  • PROXTREM is applied in liquid consistency and always by specialised Molins equipment.
  • It can be applied either by direct pouring or by pumping. The application of PROXTREM does not differ from that of conventional concrete.

Special features

  • Due to the low water/cement ratio of PROXTREM concrete and its placement in confined spaces with little ventilation, proper curing of the concrete is mandatory.
  • The use of this concrete for paving applications subject to freeze-thaw cycles requires a minimum cement content, control of the maximum water/cement ratio and control of occluded air in the fresh state.
  • PROXTREM is suitable for the application on it of products approved for the food industry (resins), it is possible that prior to the application of these products a surface milling of the concrete may be required.

Technical characteristics

Maximum aggregate size 10 / 20mm
Consistency Liquid
Compressive strength (28 days) > 25.0 Mpa
Thickness ≥ 15 cm
Environments Class: XC3, XC4, XF1, XF3 Adaptable to CodE specifications.
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