
We resume student visits at La Falconera

For more than a year, due to the pandemic, the visits to the quarry La Falconera have been stopped. During this month we have been able to resume the visits and share learnings.

For more than a year, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the visits to the quarry La Falconera del Garraf have been stopped and many students have not been able to enjoy this unique space. Finally, during this month of May we have been able to resume the visits and share learning with the young people.

So, on the 11th of May, the first year ESO students from the Pia school in Sitges were able to visit us. The pupils and their teachers arrived in two coaches, which picked them up at Can Robert Park in Sitges, and at around ten o’clock in the morning they were already at La Falconera ready to start the day.

We began the visit to our environmental classroom, complying with all Covid-19 safety measures, where we explained how the quarry works, the products we manufacture and the main uses for them: aggregates, concretes and mortars.

The content they were interested in learning about was based on three axes: technology, processes and sustainability. These three aspects were the focus of the questions and concerns expressed by the students.

We also explained in detail the measures we are taking to be more sustainable, such as the site restoration project and the creation of habitats for the most protected species in the area. The students had already started the research work at the institute, and had a series of questions that they were able to answer as the explanation was given. They showed great interest in learning about and understanding the restoration project and the timeframe in which it is to be carried out.

All the pupils actively participated in the planting of native species and together enjoyed a splendid day in nature.