Soil Cement

Stability, strength and durability in traffic roads.

Homogeneous and fresh mixture of aggregates, water and cement, mixed in a plant to be transported to the point of use on site. The soil-cement provides stability, resistance and durability to the ground without generating dust and its final composition is adapted to the technical requirements of each work. It complies with PG3, the standard that regulates the general specifications for roads.


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Field of application

Base coat for roads with high traffic requirements: highways, streets, roads, motorways and dual carriageways, light or heavy traffic, car parks and airport runways.


  • Provides a high resistance layer, thanks to the cement content that acts as a binder.
  • Homogeneous percentage of humidity and cement, controlled from the manufacturing plant.
  • It does not generate dust when it is applied to the surface.
  • The resistance it provides to the ground allows the application of a thinner asphalt layer.
  • It adapts to the resistance requirements of the specific technical specifications of each work, stabilising the different types of soil that may exist.
  • The raw materials used to produce the soil-cement are CE marked.

Application system

  • The material is transported from the manufacturing plant to the site by means of tanker lorries, with the possibility of installing a manufacturing plant on site.
  • After being spread, it will be compacted according to the technical specifications.
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