Precast concrete

It is manufactured with selected aggregates, cement, additives and water in a concrete plant. With the incorporation of small granulometry aggregates, high initial strengths are achieved in slender elements or with a high density of structural steel reinforcement. It is a material that makes it possible to shape an element before it is placed in its final location. This makes the work much faster.


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Field of application

  • Architectural elements, such as building facades.
  • Prefabricated elements, e.g. in seaport docks or with specific shapes.
  • Prefabricated, on site, which cannot be transported.
  • Prefabricated pre-slabs on site.
  • Harbour pontoons for marinas.


  • Ability to respond to the characteristics required by the client. For example, self-compacting, with a specific pigmentation or with white cement.
  • One hundred percent adaptable: the prefabricated product can be filled with concrete in the preferred position, thus achieving the desired finish.
  • Close collaboration with the architects or engineers who develop the prefabricated product, in order to obtain the particular finish and performance of each element.
  • Homogeneity, resistance and quality, thanks to the control process of the raw materials, traceability and manufacture of the product.

Application system

  • The material is supplied as fresh concrete. This can be done by direct pouring, pumping and bucketing.
  • The customer manufactures the element in such a way that, when it has set and hardened, it can be transported to the point of use.

Technical characteristics

Resistance (N/mm2) 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Consistency P / B / F / L
Maximum aggregate size 10 mm / 20mm
Environments Class: Adaptable to CodE specifications
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Concrete mixer truck

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