
Promsa, founding member of the new Clúster de Residuos de Catalunya (Catalan Waste Cluster)

On 18 January we celebrated the act of constitution of the new Clúster de Residus de Catalunya, of which Molins is a founding member.

The event took place at CosmoCaixa Barcelona, where the main companies and agents in the sector met. This meeting is the culmination of years of work analysing the environment strategically and drawing up an action plan related to the challenges facing the sector. The intention is to accelerate the fight against climate change in Catalonia, promote the sustainability of the productive fabric, favour the transition from the linear economy to the circular economy and encourage innovation and R&D in this field.

The Waste Cluster is a joint initiative of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya and ACCIÓ, with the aim of bringing together companies and agents around the entire value chain of the sector. This involves a process that starts at the origin of the waste, passing through its management (collection, classification, treatment and recovery) and reaching the end of its life cycle, or the end customer of the secondary raw material.

The ACCIÓ agency is the body through which the Generalitat de Catalunya has been applying its cluster policy for 30 years, with the aim of implementing initiatives to improve the competitiveness of the companies that make it up. In these three decades, more than 25 clusters have been created in Catalonia.

The waste area is a sector that is in constant transformation and at Molins we are committed to continue advancing in favour of the circular economy and sustainability.

Pilar López Torres, Head of Environment at Molins.

Isaac Peraire Soler, Director of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya.

Quim Pons, GRP and MPA Plant Manager.

Laura Puigdelloses, Plant Manager, Zaragoza.