H >> RR Concrete is specifically designed to achieve high strengths at short ages for specific or emergency applications. Molins has created this product adapted to achieve 25Mpa within 48h, at fluid and liquid consistencies.
Additional information
Field of application
- Indoor and outdoor flooring.
- Flooring for scales.
- Bases for cranes, electricity pylons, wind turbines, etc.
- Elements requiring rapid availability.
- Emergency repairs.
- Resistant: Enables adequate resistances to be obtained to reduce execution and commissioning time.
- Efficient: Removal of formwork and shoring 48 hours after application.
- Allows road traffic after 48 hours.
- Compatible with polymeric fibres and glass to replace reinforcement.
- The open time of the concrete is 90 minutes (the same as conventional concrete).
Application System
- Direct pouring, with pump or by bucket.
- Cuts every 5m linear.
- In extreme temperature conditions it will be necessary to adopt measures for an adequate curing of the concrete. Follow the indications in the CodE articles: 52.3.1 and 52.3.2 for a correct curing.
- The preservation of the control specimens on site during the first 24 hours shall be in accordance with the CodE regulations.
- The breaking of specimens after 48 hours shall be carried out after a minimum storage period of 24 hours in standardised conditions in a humid chamber.
Technical characteristics
Maximum aggregate size | 20mm |
Consistency | F – L |
Thickness | >15cm |
Compressive strength (28 days) | > 25 Mpa |
Environments | Class: Adaptable to CodE specifications |
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