Gravel Cement

Strong, stable, durable

Homogeneous mixture of fine aggregates, cement, water and additions mixed in a mixing plant. The noble aggregates used in its manufacture, natural or from crushing, are clean, solid and resistant. They meet the characteristics of quality, plasticity and granulometric composition derived from PG3. They provide greater resistance than soil-cement, thanks to their cement content of a minimum of 3.5%, this percentage being adapted according to the required resistance of the product. It is an ideal material for road surfaces.


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Field of application

This product is used as a substitute for road sub-bases.


  • It provides stability, resistance and durability to the ground.
  • Allows the top layers to be reduced.
  • It does not generate dust when applied to the surface.
  • The product’s resistance adapts to the client’s needs, always complying with the PG3 specifications.
  • The raw materials used to manufacture this product are CE marked.

Application system

  • The indications established in the PG3 must be followed, first checking the previous surface and its characteristics, spreading the material, compacting it and carrying out the specific curing process.
  • The material is transported from the manufacturing plant to the building site by means of tanker lorries, with the possibility of installing a manufacturing plant on the building site itself.
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