
Daily quality control. Easy to spread and compact

Non-plastic material of continuous granulometry, between 0-20, 0-25 and 0-40 mm, it is a material called natural or artificial, depending on whether it undergoes a crushing process or not. Free of elements that may condition its durability, it has a high resistance to fragmentation. It complies with a granulometric spindle, as established in PG3.


Additional information


Field of application

Light and heavy traffic road bases: motorways, highways, car parks and airport runways.


  • Exhaustive daily control that guarantees the quality of the product.
  • Easy spreading and compaction: material free of clays and organic matter.
  • The homogeneity and quality of the product allows its application in highly demanding places and provides durability.
  • Depending on the customer’s demand, different types of gravel can be manufactured, adapted to the needs of each construction site.
  • Manufacture to order to avoid deterioration of the material.
  • The Molins laboratory carries out a strict and continuous quality control process, accredited in accordance with current regulations, to ensure the characteristics of the product:
    • UNE EN 13242: aggregates for granular layers.
    • It has CE marking.

Application system

  • The provisions of PG3 must be complied with, depending on the specific use and the type of natural or artificial gravel used.
  • The percentage of humidity and compaction of the product at the time of application is very important.


Technical characteristics

UNE sieves Accumulated potential sieve (%)
ZA (40) ZA (25)
40 100
25 75-100 100
20 60-90 75-100
10 45-70 50-80
5 30-50 35-60
2 16-32 20-40
400m 6-20 8-22
80m 0-10 0-10
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