RECYCLED ARID CONCRETE: Indispensable on construction sites

Concrete with recycled aggregates is a reality at the Molins de Barcelona plants. Our sales team is now at your … RECYCLED ARID CONCRETE: Indispensable on construction sites
Concrete with recycled aggregates is a reality at the Molins de Barcelona plants. Our sales team is now at your … RECYCLED ARID CONCRETE: Indispensable on construction sites
PROHEAT TERM is the new product in the Molins TECH range, a self-levelling mortar specially designed as a heat conductor, … Molins TECH presents ProHeat Term
On 18 January we celebrated the act of constitution of the new Clúster de Residus de Catalunya, of which Molins … Promsa, founding member of the new Clúster de Residuos de Catalunya (Catalan Waste Cluster)
Molins, the first company in the country to obtain the mark for coarse recycled aggregates, produced in the MPA plant … Promsa, the first company in the country to obtain the mark for coarse recycled aggregates.
New customer service channel, find out how to contact our SAC. One of our main objectives is to always be … We are closer to you
The implementation of the new Structural Code has aroused interest and sometimes some doubts, in this article we try to … Structural code
The Alternative Raw Materials plant has the capacity to recover up to 100,000t per year and is located in Pallejà. … New Alternative Raw Materials plant: Molins at the forefront of the circular economy
Since last February, four new Molins has received two awards at the 2022 Aggregates Congress in the categories of Good … Molins receives two sustainability and digitalisation awards at the Aggregates Congress
Molins obtains the EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for its concrete, an opportunity for more sustainable constructions committed to the planet. … 23 concrete plants in Molins measure their environmental footprint through a WFD
Carlos Raich, managing director of Molins, has been appointed by ANEFHOP as the new president of the association for a … Carlos Raich, general manager of Molins, has been appointed new president of ANEFHOP.
The 13th edition of this event was held on 7 April, with the participation of the Escola Pia de Sitges. … Celebration of Aggregates and Biodiversity Day in La Falconera
We shared our experience in environmental restoration with a group of university students, highlighting Molins’ commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. … UB Environmental Sciences students visit the Falconera to learn about the restoration project
Revenues increased 23% in the year to March thanks to new acquisitions and the good level of activity in South … Cementos Molins closed the first quarter with a net profit of 22 million, impacted by the sharp increase in energy costs.
With the aim of increasing its production, Molins has improved and conditioned the steel aggregate Environment plant. Coinciding with the … Molins upgrades Ariblack Environment plant
A technical conference on quarry restoration was held in La Falconera to exchange experiences and practices with biologists from the … We reflect on restoration in Europe at a conference in La Falconera
We have added six vehicles to our fleet of trucks with an innovative system: they do not have rear-view mirrors … More safety: technological improvements to the Molins fleet
Isn’t it true that every construction project is different from the others? For this reason, not all concretes are the … A unique lightweight concrete
Molins has acquired a concrete mixer truck with a unique and innovative feature: it has a rear steering axle for … Molins’ fleet grows: new concrete mixer lorry with rear steered axle
We continue our commitment to training in the second half of 2021, adapting and taking advantage of the opportunities of … Commitment to training and learning
Molins’ innovative proposal to solve the challenge of integrating new materials: Prosilence self-levelling mortar that adapts to multiple needs thanks … Integration of materials: new challenges for the sector
The transaction, in line with the strategy of profitable and sustainable growth, includes the acquisition of two concrete plants and … Molins consolidates its leadership in the concrete market in Catalonia with the purchase of the HeidelbergCement business
At Molins we have innovated to manufacture a new concrete with 16% less CO2 emissions. This concrete is made with … Improving the sustainability of our products
PROSEIN is the solution designed by the Molins team to produce homogeneous screeds with CE marking and adapting to the … PROSEIN: the homogeneous industrial dry mortar from Molins
For more than a year, due to the pandemic, the visits to the quarry La Falconera have been stopped. During … We resume student visits at La Falconera
Molins will restore the La Falconera quarry with an innovative type of soil: technosol, a combination of mineral and organic … La Falconera: innovation and sustainability through technosoils
From April 2021, it will be mandatory for manufacturing companies to have a quality certificate; a new means of ensuring … Molins certifies its manufacturing plants
The Espai Client de Molins, the online platform for sharing information and managing delivery notes, invoices, deliveries, offers, etc., is … Register in the “Espai Client” of Molins and you will be able to have all the information at the moment.
On the 3rd of November from 16:30 to 17:15 (Spanish time) Molins will collaborate with a webinar on: “Solutions for … Molins collaborates in a webinar on building solutions
Molins has carried out the standardised tests for the calculation of the VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) index in concrete and … Molins concrete and mortar with A+ certification
Molins is participating by supplying concrete in the work being carried out by UTE Potasas. The work consists of a … Structural fibre: the challenge of the Molins team at the Port of Barcelona
Since 2019, we have been a member of a working team of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).The GCCA … Molins’ role in the “Global Cement and Concrete Association”.
From tomorrow, RD Law 10/2020 will come into force and we will stop our production centres. If you need advice … Communiqué on COVID-19 – CORONAVIRUS
Since last January, Molins has had a new plant in the town of Pineda, in the province of Barcelona, thus … More productive strength: new plant in Pineda
Our concrete transport fleet has added four concrete mixer trucks. This acquisition is part of an ambitious renewal plan, which … New fleet of trucks and machinery on the move
The jury awarded the Ecodesign Award in the Product category to Escofet’s Alpine bench for its contribution to the circular … Ecodesign Award 2019 for the Alpine sustainable bench by Escofet with ariblack by Molins
Molins has sponsored the re-publication of the book “Jiménez Montoya Esencial: Hormigón Armado”, a work considered by most as “the … Molins sponsors “Jiménez Montoya Essentials: Reinforced Concrete”.
As a result of the research efforts of the Molins team, this year we have developed an innovative product specially … New PROXTREM concrete: resists freeze-thaw cycles
Once again, we took part in the second day of the cycle of conferences dedicated to innovation, held at the … Keys to the innovation process: the importance of intellectual property
Cementos Molins has been present at BBConstrumat2019, a reference event in the construction sector. An opportunity to showcase the most … Molins finalist of the BBCONSTRUMAT19 awards
We celebrate the Trees and Aggregates Day with the aim of bringing our sector closer to children. As every year, … We celebrate the Day of Trees and Aggregates, in the quarry “La Falconera”, with the youngest children.
Molins, Protagonist in the remodelling of Plaça de les Glòries, a new green lung with ARIPAQ paving. In March 2019, … Molins, Protagonist in the remodelling of Plaça de les Glòries
The Innovation and Clusters Conference Cycle, an initiative promoted by different clusters in Catalonia in collaboration with ACCIÓ and the … Competitiveness and R&D&I management at Molins
Molins reinforces its access to the metropolitan area of Barcelona through the north with the incorporation of a new production … New Concrete Plant of Molins in Ripollet
Molins has participated in the enlargement works of the Cap de Llauset Refuge, located at an altitude of 2,425 m. … Concrete delivery by helicopter at Cap de Llauset
Since last February, four new transport units acquired as part of the renewal of our fleet have been operational. Since … IMPROVING SERVICE: RENEWING THE FLEET OF TRUCKS
Molins participates in Architect @t work, an event where architects, technicians and specifiers meet the most innovative products in the … ARCHITECT @T WORK. MEETING POINT BETWEEN ARCHITECTURE AND INNOVATION.