
The ICAEN awards us a grant for the implementation of an energy optimisation software.

The Sant Vicenç factory thus reduces fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions.

The implementation of an optimisation software based on artificial intelligence has been carried out, applied to the driving of the Clinker kiln. With this software it is intended to determine more ambitious objectives of process adjustments by optimising based on data, and with them give recommendations to the operator (open cycle) or act directly on the control PLCs (closed cycle). With the implementation of this prediction and optimisation system, the aim is to achieve greater process stability, improving product quality and reducing fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions.

This action has received financial support of 113,145.00 € through the programme of aid for energy saving and efficiency in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by the IDAE and managed by the Catalan Energy Institute, with the aim of achieving a cleaner and more sustainable economy.

Thanks to the action, energy savings of 1,492.29 toe/year and 6,148.26 tCO2/year avoided have been achieved.