
Ecological product with a high degree of technological innovation. Mixture of cement, aggregates, additives and 100% recycled polymeric material that give it thermal-acoustic properties superior to those of conventional mortar. The pre-supporting screeds for continuous paving can reach thicknesses of less than 35 mm, providing a completely level, light and seamless surface. It is a product that provides acoustic and thermal insulation as specified in the technical building code.


Additional information

Field of application

  • Surfaces requiring higher than normal thermal and acoustic insulation.
  • Surfaces with a thickness of less than 3.5 cm.
  • Surfaces for lightened structures thanks to its low density.
  • As a final coat, PROSILENCE is compatible with floating parquet, marble, tiles and ceramics. In the case of ceramics, a polishing of the surface layer is necessary.
  • Direct application on the bonded material.


  • High content of recycled material – Environmentally friendly.
  • Low density.
  • Better acoustic and thermal insulation.
  • Controlled dosage – Homogeneity of the product.
  • High flatness.
  • Optimal and fast laying, high daily performance.
  • Good resistance to compression.
  • Optimisation of on-site space – Maximum cleanliness.
  • Safety during application.
  • Provides scores for “eco” buildings according to the Technical Building Code.

Application system

It is supplied by means of a concrete mixer lorry on site, and by means of a pumping system it is applied by a professional team of applicators provided by Promsa.

Technical characteristics

Specific weight 1.600 Kg/m3
Compressive strength at 28 days 10 Mpa
Flexural strength at 28 days 3 MPa
Maximum aggregate size 4mm crushed limestone aggregate
Thermal conductivity 0.773 W/mK
Improvements to trampling on resistant layers s’> 20MN (Lw) Fine Lw at 32 dB
Open time 1.5 hours (except special conditions)
In-situ measurement of impact sound insulation** * APPLUS test according to UNIQUE

*APPLUS test according to UNE-EN ISO 140-7 as of 04/06/2017

56 dB (value obtained with a 30cm thick waffle slab + 6cm of Prosilence)

42 dB (value obtained with a 25cm thick slab + 5cm of Prosilence + 8mm floating parquet)

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